飒!广美2024年毕业季·GAFA GALA服装秀精彩上演

531日晚,广州美术学院2024年毕业季·GAFA GALA服装秀在广美大学城校区体育馆举行,57位毕业生的115套作品精彩呈现。中央文化和旅游管理干部学院书记喻剑南,广州美术学院院长范勃,党委副书记宋光智,副院长蔡拥华、李金水及学校职能部门和各二级学院负责人等出席了本次活动。广东省服装设计师协会、香港纺织协会、广州市时尚设计师协会等行业代表及相关企业代表,新闻媒体,以及一千余名师生、毕业生家长、校友代表现场观看了这场异彩纷呈的时尚盛宴。新华网同步进行直播,观看量超过100万人次。

On the evening of May 31st, the 2024 Graduation Season GAFA GALA Fashion Show of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts was held at the Gymnasium of University City Campus, showcasing 115 sets of works by 57 graduates. Yu Jiannan, Secretary of the Central Academy of Culture and Tourism Administration, Fan Bo, President of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Song Guangzhi, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Vice President Cai Yonghua, Vice President Li Jinshui, as well as leaders of the school's functional departments and secondary colleges, attended the event. Representatives from industries such as Guangdong Fashion Designers Association, Hong Kong Textile Association, Guangzhou Fashion Designers Association, and related enterprises, as well as news media, as well as more than 1000 teachers, students, parents of graduates, and alumni representatives, watched this colorful fashion feast on site. Xinhua News Agency conducted live broadcasts simultaneously, with over one million views.



In his speech, Fan Bo stated that in recent years, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts has been based on the geographical advantages of the Bay Area and has always adhered to the development path of design education, technological progress, industrial development, and the resonance of the times with the same direction and frequency. In 2021, GAFA's "Clothing and Fashion Design Major" was officially approved as a national first-class undergraduate major construction site. During the more than 30 year development of this major, the school has always adhered to industry integration and social coordination, and has delivered a large number of high-quality innovative talents for the development of the Greater Bay Area and even for China's fashion industry and the progress of the clothing industry. He sends a message to all 2024 graduates to shine with youthful brilliance and achieve wonderful lives in the great cause of serving the national development strategy and regional socio-economic and cultural needs.

本届服装秀以“GAFA GALA”为主题,独特的主题不仅是致敬经典,更是本年度毕业设计学子们的一场盛会。展演围绕“ON FILE”——存档、“EVERY INCH”——极致、“PILE UP”——积聚、“CAST BACK”——追溯四个篇章展开,呈现了一场融合科技、艺术、自然、奇幻多个维度的视觉盛宴,全面生动地诠释了年轻学子对服装与服饰文化的独到见解和造物理念。

This year's fashion show is themed "GAFA GALA", with a unique theme that not only pays tribute to classics, but also serves as a grand event for graduation students this year. The exhibition involves four chapters: "ON FILE" - archiving, "EVERY INCH" - ultimate, "PILE UP" - accumulation, and "CAST BACK" - tracing. It presents a visual feast that integrates multiple dimensions of technology, art, nature, and fantasy, fully and vividly interpreting young students' unique insights and creative concepts on clothing and fashion culture.


Guided by meeting social needs and solving practical problems, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts will continue to promote the deep integration of industry and education, promoting effective links between fashion creativity, academic research, and market demand, and providing more high-quality talents with solid professional foundations, strong practical abilities, and outstanding innovative spirit to the clothing and fashion industries in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area and even the whole country, empowering the high-quality development of the industry with innovative talents in the future.

Copyright @ GAFA
广州市番禺区广州大学城外环西路168号 广州美术学院行政楼609
Room 609, Administration Building, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts,  
No. 168, Waihuan West Road, Guangzhou University Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou